
Alphabutt: Everyone who owns a toddler should own this album!

Kimya Dawson’s (of the Moldy Peaches and Juno soundtrack plus various solo albums) Alphabutt album has officially been BB’s favourite listening material for an ENTIRE YEAR! Yes - for a whopping one third of her life she has been chanting along to the likes of “Wiggle my Tooth”, “Alphabutt”, “Bobby-O” and “Little Monster Babies”. Mr and I are also quite partial to it. I am sure all parents can agree that kids’ music must not drive the adult ear mad, and Alphabutt categorically cuts the mustard. Kimya, along with some musical friends and their children, sing about pooping, farting, peeing, tigers, bears and doggies. It is repetitive (but not annoyingly so), and this makes it very easy for young children to learn the songs and sing along. It is very silly and sweet, and has nice messages about breastfeeding, co-sleeping, body hair!, and elimination communication (EC). “I Love You Sweet Baby” nearly always brings a tear to my eye.


  1. Awesome! Will have to get it. O's favourite song is "I'm a Vampyre" from the Juno soundtrack :-) Thanks for the suggestion :) Kat xx

  2. Happy to spread the alphabutt love (that came out wrong :)!

  3. eliminiation communication!!! that's so awesome
